January is usually full of personal resolutions, new goals, and setting words of the year, which I honestly love. So I was thinking, why not set some home resolutions while we’re at it. We spend the majority of our time in our homes, so why not make it a place you enjoy to be in, a place that lets you relax and not stress you out.
So I came up with 3 New Years Resolutions for my home. And hopefully you will consider making some of these for your home too. And if you come up with other ones besides the ones I have, reply back and let me know what resolutions you came up with, I’m always interested in adding more!
1. Clear the Clutter - Declutter, purge and sell/donate unwanted items. Plan to focus on one room a month. And since most of us don’t have 12 different rooms, you can cycle back through them and hit each room again during a different season. This way you can easily notice the items you haven’t used since the first time you purged.
2. Create a Cleaning Schedule- I don’t know about you, but for me the house chores and cleaning can get pretty overwhelming at times. I could vent about this for days... about having 4 kids and using what little “free time” I have to work on orders, and on and on and on.... but really, even just then I’m just procrastinating cleaning more. So since having a reward of checking things off a to-do list can give you a sort of adrenaline rush, schedule the major tasks throughout the week and check each little chore off when its finished to give you the motivation to keep the house a little cleaner than usual!
3. Focus on the Entertaining Space- Hopefully sometime this year we will be able to spend more time with friends and be able to have people over again. So be prepared to show off your best space! Focus your attention on the room you gather in with visitors and add a fresh coat of paint or a new piece of art. Then when the time comes that you feel comfortable having visitors, you’ll be ready to entertain.
These resolutions can be implemented not only for the New Year but also for every new home. If you're a new home buyer any time of the year, it's important to create a home you love to live in right off the bat and making some new home resolutions can get you to that place sooner!
I wish you luck in all your resolutions and goals this year, and if you come up with other home resolutions besides the ones I have, reply back and let me know what resolutions you came up with, I’m always interested in adding more!